

Miratech Wall Panel Rivet



Our Miratech wall panel rivet is designed for connecting parts with weak bearing capacity and for riveting composite plates to other components.  The locking structure adopts our inclined locking groove.  This allows for a lower bearing pressure on the connected parts during installation.

Wall Panel Rivet technical brochure

Perfect for assembly of Metal Clad panels, FRP or honeycomb components.  Fast installation by a single person with lock option.  Wide variety of models and colors.  Local manufacturing and encapsulation for fast delivery.

Perfect fastener for use in the commercial vehicle manufacturing and soft materials that require a high level of tensile and shear strength.  The result is a high effenciency installation process with a very esthetic result on both sides.

Completely watertight, UV protector in the plastic will keep the head intact for a long time.  Can be produced in small lots for specific applications.

The panel rivet can be installed with various rivet tools and nose assemblies like FAR, Huck or Avdel.

Our rivet is available in 2 options:

Zinc coated head

Plastic encapsulated head in various colors

Product properties

Brand : Miratech